Google Docs

Posted: Wednesday, October 7, 2009 | Posted by PRL |

The emergence of Web 2.0 applications have provided faculty, staff, and students with a host of new tools and applications to use in their day-to-day job and specifically in the classroom. Google Docs is a very flexible, relatively new, Web 2.0 office suite that enables users to create documents, spread sheets, and presentations at ease and then share, collaborate, and publish these materials with a click of a button. Google Docs also comes with a form tool that enables people to create web forms. Google Forms are a fast and easy way to collect data from students (e.g., weekly anonymous course reflections on how the course is going), collect and publish resources (e.g., webliography) that can be accessible after a course is over (and students no longer have access to the LMS), as well as to collect basic (non-sensitive) research data. But perhaps most importantly, Google Docs is free. Come join us as we explore Google Docs on October 9th.


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