
Posted: Friday, October 10, 2008 | Posted by Jenna Ream | Labels:

Today's conversation in the FLC live meeting was about collaboration. Joni led a fantastic conversation on the issues that can potentially block and the structures that can support the quality use of collaboration in online classes. One of my favorite resources in this area comes from the Center for Adaptive Schools. It is a toolkit for establishing norms in groups to promote dialogue over discussion, collaboration over cooperation. I really like it, and thought I would share!

To download your own copy go to . I use page 6 as a prompt for discussion during our Orientation week at the beginning of an online class. During that week I have students respond to the prompts and talk about their learning styles and brainstorm ideas of what they will do to best be present and participate in our class. If issues arise I use modified versions of the suggested conversations, but the graduate level students I teach rarely need more than the opportunity to think about and establish these norms at the beginning of class. I would imagine other groups, students at other levels, or individuals who need to unpack issues with poor collaboration efforts in the past, may find the entire toolkit beneficial.


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